
摸蜆 @ Shakespeare Regional park

話說我第一次去 Shakespeare Regional park,因為潮汐關係,我摸到零隻蜆,於是決定喺boxing day 後一日再去一次,不過今次就多啲人,有我,小方,香港人傑少同哩兩位來自巴西嘅朋友仔。


1) 啲蜆太多,一手摸落去都有三至五隻
2) 有限每人拎幾多 (其實香港都要限,不過似乎政府唔會點做嘢?)
3) 無咩特大同特細嘅蜆
4) 公園有設施比你即燒

好快咁我地就摸到每人五十隻,再喺個 regional park 影吓相,咁就預備返去煮蜆。




As I went at the wrong time last time (tide up), I decided go to Shakespeare Regional Park again to pick cockles again - at the day after boxing day. This time we've got a new combination, me, little Fong, Kit and 2 fiends from Brazil.

We've arrive there around 15:30, and we start to pick cockles once we arrived.

Actually I've do similar thing in Hong Kong too, but there are many different between HK and here, like:
1) There are too many cockles, you can get 3-5 cockles "per pick per hand"
2) There is a limitation about how many cockles you can take away here (actually I think Hong Kong need that too but it seems that the govt. is not going to control that?)
3) The size of cockle is similar, no extra large of extra small size
4) There are some facilities that can let you grill the cockles in the park

As there are too many cockles, we've pick enough in a short time, and then we just travel around in the park and taking photos. :)
And then we head back to the accommodation of Kit to prepare our "cockles meal". However, as I don't have a large plastic box with me, so I use a carton box and a large plastic bag for taking the cockles. But we are so unlucky that the plastic bag damage, so we have to drain out all water from the bag.

When we back to the accommodation, I put the cockles into water immediately so can let it spit out the sands inside it, during the time waiting it spit out the sands, I prepare what I need for the cockles meal. And as I wanna save some time for cooking, I decide to use 3 methods to cook the cockles, boil, fire and "grill" (I am not sure the terms, anyway its put the cockles in the oven.).

I am not sure its because I put too many salt in the water (that for it spit out the sands) or the cockles itself is so salty, the taste of boiled cockles is good enough already. But the fire cockles still become the star of the cockles meals. One Korean friend look at the empty plate (without cockles) and ask me what's the remaining is, and how I cook that. However, I still think the taste can be better if I have more time and more materials to cook the cockles.

Anyway, I wish I can make it again with a better taste next time!


kinkin said...

下次記得影下你d 作品, 冇得食都睇下ar, haha
你廚好d 時, 不如開番檔炒蜆搵錢, 咁咪唔會開工不足law

kinkin said...

岩岩睇埋你d相, 真係好多蜆呀~~
仲有你d 頭髮都好似幾長wor

fai said...

炒蜆呢個 idea 幾好,可惜每人限拎五十隻

manming said...



It sounds great and interesting that you had chance to get cockles in a park. I would like to try it too! It may taste differently if you cook the cockles in the park rather than at apartment.

Why you write your blog in both Chinese and English recently? You would like to write more English during your trip?

Anonymous said...

happi new year ar~~
woo shakespear regional park is v beautiful ar~~
I have been to shakespear's birthplace, but it costs a lot to go inside, so I just took a phone outside and then went away lo~~
wish you happy ar~~^^~


fai said...

打中英文嘅原因係因為有唔識中文嘅人會睇我個 blog

small cloud
其實呢個 regional park 未算靚,仲有啲靚啲~

Anonymous said...

hey fai!
jea, reading your blog is now much more easier than using an online web translator - and it makes more sens hehehe
so I'm actually on the way to chritchurch ... hmm this remembers me to update my blog soon :)
bey bey